Meet: Ana Clara Junqueira

Hi, I'm Ana Clara, and I'm a Team Manager at PartnerHero.

I grew up in a little town called Lins, in São Paulo, Brazil, and for the first part of my childhood, I lived on a farm with my family and a lot of animals. Ironically, I was never much of a farm girl, so ever since I was a kid, all I wanted was to get out and venture out into the world!

So, when I was 18, I left Brazil for the first time for a full exchange year in Germany. It was my first experience with the German language and, most terrifyingly, with temperatures below 10oC.

My year abroad definitely sparked my interest in traveling and discovering new cultures. I've been to 30 countries in Europe and the Americas and my goal is to step foot in every continent.

Working remotely allowed me to pursue a healthier work-life balance. I was able to move back to my hometown from the big city of São Paulo. Now I get to spend more time with my family and my three dogs I'm crazy about. I also began taking a Pilates class, it is really challenging but rewarding, and I feel very proud of myself when I get the positions right. 

Coming to work with PH was game-changing for my career. I've learned and grown so much while also watching the company grow and expand. Here, I was first given the opportunity to lead a team and discovered that that's what I wanna do. 

It also gives me the incredible chance to be around people from all over the world, even if virtually. I currently manage teams in 5 different regions and am friends with many more.

I hope you enjoyed learning a little bit about me! Let me know if you're ever in Brazil to visit, I'll be happy to give you some tips. There's so much to see!

