Meet: Steena Trouten

Hi, my name is Steena. My pronouns are they/she and I’m a team manager for a really cool program. 

I recently moved from Boise to Bay City, MI to live closer to my partner. It’ll be a bit of a transition moving away from my birth family and my found family, but I’m excited about this new chapter. It’s hard to think of something no one knows about me because I’m a pretty open book!

I love to study world languages and religions. When I’m not at work, I’m either writing stories and poems or streaming. I co-run a YouTube channel called JoyRide Entertainment that does anime parodies and fan discussion, and it keeps me pretty busy! Production is currently underway for my narrative podcast series, These Backwards Echoes.

Ideally, I’d like to support myself creatively one day through the JoyRide label. I’m a writer at heart, and the group is made up of my best friends in the world.

I also  like to walk my dog every morning. I can really only do it from mid-Spring to mid-Autumn, so I’m making the most of it. On work days, I start by listing out all the things I have to do and pick the 3 most important ones. Then I pick 4 or 5 smaller things on the list and write them down as “bonus tasks”

This takes me about 5 to 10 minutes, but it helps me be much more productive. 

I’m still growing into my role, but as someone who hopes to run a fully fledged business of their own one day, that’s exactly what makes it the perfect role for me. It’s allowing me to develop the business and management skills I’ll need one day.

If you happen to have a dog, please give them a lil head pat for me. Peace <3 
