People. Without borders. Without limits.

While each individual and company must evaluate these options for themselves, in May 2014 we started a mission to explore how these decisions no longer need to be binary. We started by asking ourselves: What type of work environment would attract really special people to want to join us? What type of business model would align the interests of the startup, the firm they hire to serve them, and the people who work there?

But we are more than that

  • We are serious builders.
  • We are recent graduates.
  • We are moms. We are dads.
  • We are artists.
  • We are recovering consultants.
  • We are students.
  • We are women, men, and non-binary.
  • We are experienced, career professionals.
  • We are dropouts.
  • We seek to Be Humble.
  • We are single parents.
  • We are self-taught musicians, filmmakers, designers and hackers.
  • We are poets, cooks and environmentalists.
  • We remember to Take Ownership.
  • We are teachers. We are coaches.
  • We Trust each other.
  • We are caretakers, for our parents, our relatives, and our communities.
  • We are travelers, who need nothing more than a backpack and a passport to feel that “anything is possible.”
  • We are former Big Company cogs, vowing to never settle for false trade-offs again
  • We find joy when we Care for Others.
  • We are stewards for our partners and their businesses, by working earnestly on their behalf, to further their success.
  • We know that life is richer when we Embrace Growth.
  • We are passionate professionals who live and breathe these values.

We are PartnerHero

People. Without borders. Without limits.
