Some of the sharpest tools in the shed.

Agent Assist
Agent Assist
Business Intelligence
Business Intelligence
Chat Bot
Chat Bot
Contact Center Software
Contact Center Software
Conversational AI
Conversational AI
Customer Guidance
Customer Guidance
Demo Automation
Demo Automation
Help Desk
Help Desk
Knowledge Management
Knowledge Management
Learning Management
Learning Management
Sentiment Analysis
Sentiment Analysis
Slack Support
Slack Support
Success Management
Success Management
Support Operations
Support Operations
Survey/Voice of Customer
Survey/Voice of Customer
Translation Services
Translation Services
Workforce Management
Workforce Management


PH Partner

PH Partner

Evaluagent is a quality assurance software that helps businesses improve customer support by monitoring and analyzing customer interactions. Its strongest feature is its customizable evaluation forms, which enable businesses to measure customer support performance against specific criteria.


PH Partner

PH Partner

Happitu is an affordable speech analytics and scripting platform that acts as your service team's personal coach. It gives agents the process, resources, and insights to deliver the perfect customer experience over the phone.


PH Partner

PH Partner

Kaizo is a customer support software that focuses on gamification and performance management for support teams. It provides real-time metrics, leaderboards, and challenges to motivate and engage support agents, ultimately improving their productivity and performance. Customer Support leaders can use Kaizo to boost team morale, drive healthy competition, and enhance overall customer satisfaction.


PH Partner

PH Partner

Klaus is a conversation review and quality assurance platform that allows businesses to monitor and improve their customer service interactions. Its strongest feature is its ability to integrate with various helpdesk and communication platforms to automatically capture interactions for review.


PH Partner

PH Partner

Level AI's call center AI uses semantic intelligence to understand support interactions to improve contact center team performance.


PH Partner

PH Partner

Loris is a customer support and engagement platform that allows businesses to manage customer inquiries and support tickets across various channels. Its strongest feature is its AI-powered chatbot, which can handle common inquiries and free up support agents to handle more complex issues.


PH Partner

PH Partner

A quality assurance tool for customer service teams that allows companies to monitor and improve customer interactions, track performance, and provide coaching to agents. Its strongest feature is the ability to analyze customer interactions through speech and text analysis to provide insights and improve customer experiences.


PH Partner

PH Partner

A customer feedback management tool that allows companies to collect, analyze, and respond to customer feedback. Its strongest feature is its ability to provide real-time insights into customer experiences and help companies make data-driven decisions to improve customer satisfaction.


PH Partner

PH Partner

An AI-powered platform for customer service quality assurance and ticket deflection. Its strongest feature is its ability to automate the QA process by analyzing and scoring customer service interactions, providing real-time feedback to agents, and suggesting ways to improve customer experience.


PH Partner

PH Partner

Empower agents with real-time guidance and powerful analytics on all your voice and video calls. Track compliance and outcomes using AI instead of people.

PH Partner

PH Partner

An AI-powered call center platform that uses speech analytics to automate call analysis and provide real-time coaching to agents. Its strongest feature is its ability to improve the quality of customer interactions by analyzing speech and providing feedback to agents in real-time.


PH Partner

PH Partner

A customer service quality assurance platform that allows companies to monitor and evaluate agent performance, provide feedback and coaching, and manage customer interactions. Its strongest feature is its ability to automate the QA process and provide real-time feedback to agents to improve their performance.


PH Partner

PH Partner

A quality assurance platform that allows businesses to evaluate and measure the performance of their customer support teams. It offers tools for monitoring customer interactions, identifying areas of improvement, and generating detailed reports.


PH Partner

PH Partner

TheLoops is an all-in-one Intelligent Support Operations platform providing actionable insights for CX teams using prediction and GenAI to increase your team’s productivity. It offers features such as sentiment analysis, escalation prevention, contextual collaboration, and real-time reporting, as well as integrations with other business tools across your company's tech stack.


PH Partner

PH Partner

Truco provides call insights, automates redundant calls while sounding human like. Empower your agents to do their best work and provide visibility across the organization.